Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities


At Royal Family KIDS Camp, our Camp Counselors have the most direct impact with the Campers. Each Counselor is assigned 2 Kids, and with the exception of a couple of breaks each day, are the person their Kids most rely on, and build the closest relationship with.

The primary role of a Counselor is to care and cheer for their campers as they walk alongside them through the daily activities of camp. This role requires energy, patience, love, and a willingness to look beyond your own needs in order to wholeheartedly serve the children in your care. For every Counselor willing to spend the entire week at camp, two additional campers are able to attend.

Training is mandatory. As mentioned above, each Counselor is responsible for 2 campers in order to provide the very best care for our campers.

Support Staff

The different areas involved with being on staff at our Royal Family KIDS Camps include Nurse, Drama, Music, Scrapbooking, Fisherman, Grandpa and Grandma, Photographer, Creation Station (Arts/crafts), Outdoor Activities and more. While the Counselors spend most of their time with their 2 assigned campers, staff members have the opportunity to interact with more of the kids. Training is mandatory.

Special Event

Our biggest Special Event opportunity comes on Wednesday, of Camp week when we have an ALL-Camp Birthday Party. It was determined back in the beginning of Royal Family Kids. that many, if not most of our Kids had never received birthday presents, let alone had a Birthday Party. So every year we have a Birthday Party for all of the Kids, with all kinds of games and activities.

They each receive a special cupcake decorated with their names on them, along with a resounding chorus of “Happy Birthday”. When the party is over over, each Child returns to their cabins to find Birthday Presents waiting for them.

There is always need for extra volunteers to help setup and operate the various games and activities, and after all, who doesn’t enjoy a special party?. We also have some opportunities on Monday, registration day, and Friday, returning home day.

Make it stand out.

  • Our one week June camp experience is June 3rd - 9th 2023

    For more information contact:

    Amy De Money

    515 707-9060

  • Our one week July camp experience is July 2nd - 6th 2023

    For more information contact:

    Darcy Cowan

    515 979-7676

  • Our School Year Long Mentoring Program pairs a Child with an adult Mentor and runs from September through May.

    For More Information Contact:

    Debby Williams

    515 421-7929

  • Club is 2 hours worth of camp every 2nd Saturday of each month.

    Sandy Bayse



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